Sunday, March 20, 2005

Vital Stats

Aria is still a little small for her age. She weighs about 20 lbs. Her height and weight are still in the 10% of average group. However, her head size is in the 90% group! Her HUGE brain can barely fit. Her long hair makes her look older than she is.

She started walking right around her 1st birthday. Now, she can run. Fast.

Aria has a growing vocabulary:
Uh-Oh, Dada, Mama, Aria, Thank You, Up, Hi, Down, bottle (pronounced ladle ladle), water, banana, juice, grandpa, grandma, outside, step, Bee, hello, love you, Arlo (her fish), woof, quack, Raaargh!, ssssssss(snake), mooo, bubble, shoe, sock, sleep, cheese, cracker, buckle, swing, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, elbow, toes, hair, and again.

Aria has already traveled quite a bit. Too bad she won't remember these trips:
Hawaii, LA, Montana, Texas, Florida, San Francisco, and Seattle. We're trying to get to England/Ireland before she turns two and stops traveling for free...

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